26 July 2010

Finally decided....

We (or rather I) have finally decided that we will celebrate Kaleb's 1st month baby shower!! Previously, we (or rather I, again) had agreed that we will not have any 1st month party so as to be fair to Kayden (coz he did not have any when we were in States). But after much thinking (ok, quite free at home, so think about all these nitty gritty stuff), decided that we should have one coz I don't think I am ever going to have a #3 (unless accident happen again =s) although I know Kenneth would very much like to have a daughter. *LOL*

Left with such little time (2 weeks) to look for a venue, finally confirmed one over the weekend!! Super duper happy coz the party is gonna be on 7 Aug (Sat) and it's a super long weekend, so quite surprise that the function room is still available. The party is gonna be held at one of the condominium's function room (or maybe it's a hall? need to view the place this Sunday).

Now that I have settle the venue, the next thing is the buffet!! Must decide on which caterer and also the number of guests! Guess for Kenneth's side, not many people will be coming coz he has no intention to invite his colleagues. He doesn't like to trouble people. *LOL* As for his relatives, don't think many will come. *LOL* So once again, like what happened during Kayden's 1st birthday, the party will be flooded with MY PEOPLE! *LOL*
So, if you guys have any recommendation for caterer, please drop me a note. Greatly appreciate. =) In return, I will post more pictures of the celebration when it's over.
Oh, another question... do I have to give everyone a box of "goodies"? Or only give to close friends and relatives? This is my 1st (and also last time, hopefully) doing all these. Hope some kind soul will guide me through. =D

1 comment:

  1. i gave red eggs n bb flavours to my guests at full mth.. was well rec'd but no hard fast rule.. :P so up to u de.. i tot at least red eggs ba..
