11 July 2010

Naming Baby #2

We had a very hard time getting a name for our 2nd bundle of joy. Kenneth wanted something that start with "K" while I wanted something that start with "J". I don't intend to have a #3 in future. *LOL* So, guess no chance to have a daughter.

It wasn't easy getting a boy's name that start with "K". In the end, Kenneth felt that KAYLEB sounds nice and the first 3 letters are the same as Kayden's. Whereas for me, I very much would like to name this baby, JOSHUA. =D We were still debating on the name to use.... and then I went into labour. *LOL* So many things not done and not ready, this naming baby is one of them. *LOL*

While in the hospital, after my delivery, we continued with the "debate". I could sense that he very much want to name baby Kayleb but of course, he claimed he doesn't mind if I want to call him Joshua. Once again, he said, "we can try again after 3 years and maybe by then, you can name our daughter with something that starts with J." =S So easy and relax for him to say, I will be the one carrying the ball and going through the labour process again!!! I can sense that he very much would like to have a daughter... oh well, we shall see about that 3 years later then. Maybe another accident will happen. Since these 2 boys of mine are "accident" babies. *LOL*

And so, our 2nd bundle of joy is called Kayleb Soh! Chinese name is more or less confirm.... if nothing goes wrong, should be Wei (1) Yang (2). This is the name we actually wanted to name Kayden with. *LOL* Seems like going to be used on Di Di instead. =D

Right now, I am enjoying my confinement at home. Can be a bit bored at times but I am so glad that baby is latching on well (unlike Kayden then) and the milk supply is sufficient. But at times, we still give formula milk coz it's simply too tiring to be up to nurse every 3 hours!!! Poor Kenneth is very tired also as he needs to look after Kayden on weekends. We are just so glad that Kayden is going to Infant Care Centre on weekdays. *LOL* Sorry Kayden, not that Daddy and Mummy don't love you but you are simply too hyper active at this stage now. Walking and running around at home.... really making us exhausted. *LOL*

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