03 September 2009

A Fussy Baby

I prepared ABC soup today. Started cooking at 11am because wanted to use the soup to make porridge for Baby K as he still doesn't like to eat porridge. I thought using the soup as a base, will make the porridge taste nicer and hence he will eat it. How very wrong I was!!! When he saw me with the bowl and spoon, he started fussing, as if knowing, porridge is on its way. -.-"

The porridge that was cooked with MY LOVE. I started cooking it with low fire from 1pm+ till 5pm!! Stirring it from time to time. It actually tasted very very yummy! Very ABC-ish taste. *YUMZ*
Gave me the very stern look when I fed him, refusing to open his mouth. Fussing and screaming all the way.

I guess picture alone cannot justify how he detests porridge and so, I took video. Take a look at the clips below.

This is what happen everytime porridge is being served. -.-" Didn't let him sit on the bumbo chair because he will arch his back, wanting to be out of the seat. So, got to strap him down at the bouncer. I need to push the spoon into his mouth when he opens it, forcing him to eat (which I know is wrong).

He really knows how to fake cry....
I had no choice, but to take out the sweet potato puree and mix it with the porridge. He doesn't like too... coz of the porridge. But when I give him sweet pototo puree ONLY, he ate them without a sound. -.-"

He will sample the food first, before opening his mouth and eats them. Maybe he is like an ang moh, doesn't appreciate Asian food (in this case, porridge). I feel like giving up, stop giving him porridge and give him ang moh stuff.

I gave him milk when he refuse to eat the porridge. He drank 100ml. After which, he poo-ed and vomitted out all the porridge, not a single trace of milk. -.-" This shows how much he HATES porridge.

Kenneth said my in-laws will solve this porridge eating problem when we are back because they will make better tasting porridge. -.-" If he doesn't like, means doesn't like... no matter how the porridge taste!! I think they will have a hard time when we go back. Hopefully as Baby K gets bigger, he will not be a fussy eater (like his Daddy).


  1. Hey, chanced upon ur blog through Dawn's. I read that you are having lotsa hiccups when it comes to porridge time with Baby K. You may want to make the porridge a bit more watery? Cause he just started it. Moreover, he's learning to start munching now. So, maybe a less thicker one might help?

  2. lili,
    Ya, a lot of my friends also said the porridge looks thick. *LOL* I thought thicker porridge tastes nicer (coz I prefer the thicker type). I never put myself in his position and understand that he might have difficulty swallowing.

    Hmm... if I make more watery porridge, won't the grains be like "yi li yi li"? Sigh... guess I will soak the grains longer...

  3. put less rice and more water lor and boil just as long.. or another way is before you serve, add in mor water to dilute it...or do u have too much flavor in the porridge? sweet potato only has 1 flavor if you put too much stuff to make your porridge, altho adults like the falvor cos its rich, maybe young babies cannot tahan the mixture of flavors... hope this helps!

  4. Jean...i ever see Lee&Lee they sell the 'broken jasmine rice grains'. you many wan to use that to cook porride instead??...i bought some baby food puree book..one of them says, we can 'ground' our rice grain before cooking the porridge..faster to cook and porridge also smoother....

  5. Thicker porrige indeed taste better. But for babies. It might not be. Baby K has just started on solid. So he kind of like getting himself to familiar with those new food introduced. And, if you realise, the sweet potato puree is kinda watery compare to the porridge?

    Cook the porridge with more water like what Samatha says. What i usually do is, when the porridge comes to the boiling stage. I will turn the fire to low and let it boil for like a good 20 mins. By then the porrige will be mashy enough for Baby K.

    Just be patience. Think like baby k and it will be easier for u. :) Hope i helped you somehow!

  6. Sam,
    That time I add less rice and more water... end result was the rice "yi li yi li" and he doesn't like. Very watery though...

  7. Dawn,
    I going back liao, don't wanna buy more stuff... Eh... I don't know how to "ground" the grains. Is it pound them? Then I don't have the "equipment".

  8. lili,

    You had been a great help (as well as the others). =) I will try to cook it more watery and at the same time, not "yi li yi li". If still fail, I will give up. Let my mum or in-laws handle this problem when I go back. Ha ha...

  9. you can try to buy coffee grinder to grind up the rice grains...

  10. You have grinder right..use that to ground your rice la....One of the book i bought says...it is better to cook the porridge separate....you cook your porridge first, then you can prepare the sweet potato, or carrot, or peas puree separately beforehand...then when you ready to serve...steam/heat up the puree then mix into the porridge. That way, you will not OVERCOOK the veg..overcooking them will cause then to lose their nutrients...

  11. Sam,
    I going back to SG already (end of this month), not going to buy the coffee grinder. But thanks for the suggestion. =)

  12. Dawn,
    I don't have grinder. My kitchen has the most simple "equipment". Thanks for the tips. I will cook the veg separately. =)

  13. Then how u make your puree?? Perhaps u just stay put with giving rice cereal lor...but if you still wan to give porridge; Another way is...last time when I was over there, then there are the mthly sunday soccer sessions where some of the guys will come over for BF n watch soccer, I would use my rice cooker to cook rice first,(is ok to cook 'wetter' rice)then use the rice to cook porridgge on the stove...within 1 hours, the porridge very 'lan' ald...but FYI hor, the Lee&Lee there they sell the 'broken jasmine rice grains'..very small pack only leh..maybe only like half an A4 size pack like that only..

  14. Dawn,
    I use BLENDER to make puree. Is it the same as GRINDER? Ha ha...

  15. jean,
    ur ABC congee looks closely like my daily dinner!! xoxo..so i suppose to feel pathetic over myself..boobooboo...well, it taste great despite eating congee..hmm..

  16. strawberry shortcake princess,
    wah... u eat this everyday for dinner!!!! *faint* not sianz ar?
