21 July 2009

A Good Buy!!

We went to BX on Saturday as Kenneth needed to have a haircut. As usual, while he was away for the cut, Kayden and I shop around in BX. And like always, I will wonder into the Baby's section and left with a few pieces of clothing for Kayden.

This time, I wondered into the shoe department and this lovely pair of Nike Running Shoes caught my attention! It's a bit hard for me to buy shoes here as I always have a hard time looking for my size. Surprisingly, out of the 2 pairs left, one of them is my size!!

The Grey and Pink Nike Running Shoes which I got at a very good price! It's actually the baby pink that I love. It goes well with the grey. A touch of feminine with a dash of toughness.

I hesistated about buying because... running is not one of my hobby. Furthermore, out of the 365 days in a year, I don't normally have the need to wear sneakers. Asked Kenneth's opinion and as usual, he will say "buy loh". Anyway in the end, I went home with this happy purchase, telling myself that I will wear it for our up-coming trips.

When we reached home, I asked Kenneth to help me keep the shoes in the shoe closet. He got a shock when he opened the closet! He was shock to see the number of shoes I have inside and many of them are still brand new, not worn before! ha ha... He had no idea that I had bought so many shoes throughout our stay here. Oh well, beside diamonds, shoes (as well as bags) are also a girl's bestfriend! And most of the times, it's just needs vs wants.

I am glad I made this purchase because something real good and happy happened at the end of the day. A happy Daddy, a happy Mummy and a happy Baby!

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