25 August 2009

The Magical Bumbo Chair!

I think we have a magic Bumbo chair! Was feeding Baby K his Squash Puree this morning and after which, left him sitting there. I normally carry him and put him on the playmat, on the bouncer or into his crib after feeding him, because I can't be around to keep a lookout. There was once, he arched his back while sitting inside and nearly fell over! But today, because Kenneth was around, so we just let him sit inside after his morning feed.

He started arching and Kenneth went to "rescue" him. Then he found out, Baby K poo... This is not the first time that after sitting in the Bumbo chair (for a long time) and then he poo... a lot. So, we think the Bumbo chair has some kind of magical power that will make Baby K poo. *LOL*
If your baby is having constipation, maybe you can put him/her in the bumbo chair, let them sit for a long time... they might just poo!!
Oh, and I let him have his first taste of this sweet potato puffs today. Taste very yummy... I think I ate more than him. *LOL* Coz I need to bite and then give him bits of them. This was meant to be for crawlers... but... the puffs will just melt in our mouth, that's why I see no harm in letting Baby K have them. He loves them! Meeeeee too!!


  1. oh yes! It's really very yummy... first taste, find it very familiar. After many tastes, I realise, it taste like a type of cereals (those corn flakes type).. think taste like... fruit loop? (the one with a tiger on the box)
